
Life in the “Kiwi land” as a Brown Immigrant

I put Kiwi land in quotes because Aotearoa, or New Zealand as it’s globally known, is originally the land of the Māori people—the first inhabitants of this country before British colonization. Sadly, despite progress made by previous governments in recognizing the Māori’s special status, the current administration seems to be reversing those gains. You can …

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NEP 2020: Theory VS Practice

The National Education Policy (NEP) seems to be aligned with the global education development agenda outlined in Goal 4 (SDG4) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Let’s look at some highlights of this policy. This comprehensive summary of the NEP 2020 looks excellent on paper, right? I would say it is as good as …

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To Code OR Not to Code

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘coding’? Is it only relatable to adults with particular mathematical and technological degrees? The answer would be NO! Coding can be learned by anyone from age six and beyond. It’s like any other language skill children can master in their early …

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From Standing Outside Classrooms to Learning Within Them: Inclusive Education for Children with Learning Disabilities in India

How does an ‘inclusive’ education system systematically exclude children with learning disabilities? A popular keyword in schools and policies nowadays is inclusive education. But what exactly is inclusive education?  Inclusive education promises to cater to the learning needs of each student in the classroom at a systemic level. These students include those children with specific …

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